What we do…
Core elements
These aspects of our role we see as fundamental and a key part of our involvement with every villa or boutique hotel that we manage.
We know that there will be other tasks and challenges hard to predict, but these make up the bulk of role within the main fee.
We make sure you have the best team in place to operate the property and deliver a good financial return - we seek out, interview and hire.
We work with the property team, training and motivating as we go. If someone’s got valuable skill sets unused we’ll uncover them, polish them up and put them to work.
We’re on top of every detail, from how the beds are made to how the eggs are scrambled. If it’s looking a little off, we’ll be on it.
We make sure you’ve ticked every necessary box, from approvals to pension payments. No nasty surprises down the line.
We make sure you have a clear and accurate picture of how the property is running, both operationally and financially. We make sure the numbers add up.
It’s a key part of our role to ensure guests are happy and we’ll of course be on hand if the team at the property need assistance in handling a particularly ‘tricky’ situation.
We’re not ‘Guest Relations Executives’ (old- fashioned industry term) on hand for each and every enquiry, though. It’s our job to make sure the property has, in most cases, the right people and systems to manage this.
Projects & Services
These are areas that we dive into when there’s a specific need at a given property.
They’re not universally required - some villas may have their food offering in perfect order, others might need some work - but we’re well placed to offer solutions, either ‘in-house’ or with great friends and partners.
We work - either with our own teams or with consultants - to uplift aspects within, or the entirety of, the F&B setup at your property. Obviously the goal is to have a great chef/cook in place and systems running well but when there’s a re-jig needed we’ll get involved more fully.
Everything from website content and design to channel management and distribution (managing profiles on the likes of AirBnB and booking.com) and, where it suits, paid digital strategy.
Some properties can handle this really well with, perhaps, the Resident Manager (see “Optimisation”!) fielding calls and emails. Others need a bespoke service. We can provide that as needed.
Sourcing, engaging and working with a great interior designer to refine styling in the bedrooms, or developing a stand-alone sustainability programme for the property.
If there’s an area where you, or we, feel the property would derive long-term benefit we’ll work together to find a great solution.
As said, the buck stops with us, and we’re committed to making the property the best it can be. So we’re always open to, and will be suggesting, new ideas and creative improvements.
What we charge…
For Core Elements:
A set % of revenue and operating profit
We think the best alignment comes when we’re incentivised to maximise revenue but also keep costs down - so (unlike most management companies) we typically request a percentage of the booking income and the operating profit.
These numbers range from one property to the next but will be in the range of:
Booking income - 5% to 8% (paid monthly)*
Operating profit - 10% to 12% (paid quarterly)
*on the booking income % we apply a small base/guaranteed amount, typically only applicable for months when owners are using the villa themselves and so booking income is much reduced.
For Projects & Services:
Tailored flat fees or additional percentage
For work under Projects & Services we will propose separate fee structures - either as a flat fee or (for example in the case of us handling all Reservations) again on a percentage basis.