Beautiful well-positioned land for sale in Ahangama


A really well-located plot of bare land with gorgeous ‘jungle’ overlooking paddy fields close to Ahangama beaches


For sale - LKR 186m (approx. USD 620,000)

  • Extent - 480 perches (3 acres)

  • Vegetation - Mixed jungle with coconut

  • Distance to the beach - approx. 3km (drive time approx. 6 minutes)

  • Reference - 105



This is, by all accounts, the last remaining (unsold) large plot on a block that has attracted buyers looking to develop villas within easy reach of Ahangama.

We can understand the attraction. The plots have mature vegetation, giving lots of scope for gorgeous landscaping, slope gently towards the rice paddy and are very easily accessed with a new wide road being built directly off the main village road into Ahangama.

The land is regularly shaped and would perfectly suit a stunning high-end villa development or multi-property concept.

  • Just inland from Ahangama - not much over 5 minutes drive to the beach - the land is ideally placed for those wanting something away from the main buzz of the town but close to the surf and social scene.

    Commercially, it's well within the range of lands that can be developed to attract a high-spending, Ahangama-visiting crowd.

  • Creative hospitality guys have begun on projects in this stretch brining great options like Black Honey fairly close by.

    Overall, though, the area remains quiet and beautifully untouched and the layout here, running to rice paddy, gives protection against any immediate development.

    As above, other new buyers are likely to be developing property on the same stretch but the size of the lands will give a reasonable buffer for any single property.


(Location is approximate)


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+94 76 640 4373 /

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